Our feeds aim for persistence of peak laying with the highest possible rate of conversion and a high quality of egg. We formulate products for all the phases of the period of laying searching for the desired weight of egg, level of pigmentation of the yolk, hardness of the shell and correct mineralization of the skeleton of the hen.
From the first days of life of the future laying birds, through the growth phase and the subsequent laying phase, we have a variety of feeds for each condition of the hens.
Breeding of chicks
Breeding chicks, up to the tenth week of life are fed on feeds with a high protein content of 19% and high proportions of amino acids such as lisine and metionine as proper growth is fundamental for them to reach the laying phase with total guarantees.
Fattening of chicks
Then the fattening phase begins up to the 17th week when the energy needs are lowered and fibre is increased so as to stimulate the growth of the gizzard and the crop.
Peak laying
For the peak laying weeks, we begin with high levels of protein of about 19%.
Three months after the peak
We continue with feeds which adjust the levels of nutrients so as to maintain production with low costs and so as not to damage the quality of the shell and the bones of the hen.
Remainder of the laying period
Continues with the previous evolution, but with adjustments as the end of the laying period is approaching.
End of the laying period
At the end of the laying period, the feed is characterised by maintaining the quality of the shell and the number of sellable eggs.
Free range chickens
This type of feed is designed to adapt itself to the peculiarities of the free-range chicken, which cannot take such high levels of production but requires high-quality feeds.